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Distribution of planogram data and PDFs

Project duration: 4 months

Brief description

The customer uses third-party software to create planograms. For the automated distribution of the planograms to different stakeholders such as category management or the stores, a REST-API as well as an user interface are developed to offer access to the planogram data.


The manual process of distributing planogram data and PDF files is to be automated. To do this, the third-party software transmits them to an API endpoint of the customer. The planograms are enhanced by supplied metadata and prepared for later search. A REST API enables access for other applications. The application processes the transmitted data asynchronously to ensure high system scalability. The system is based on a set of cloud functions which were implemented with Quarkus and Kotlin. Firestore is used to store the metadata. The PDF files are persisted in a cloud storage bucket. A custom user interface for the system is implemented in Angular. Authentication as well as authorization was implemented via Keycloak.

Subject description

The automated distribution of the data up to the stores reduces the manual effort of the category management. The user interface can ensure further individual unplanned accesses to the planograms in the future.


Project period01.02.2023 - 31.05.2023

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