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Implementation of security procedures for user identification

Project duration: 5 months

Brief description

Extended security regulations of the customer for the authentication of IT users with requirements for resetting system passwords necessitate the extension and creation of new IT applications in order to efficiently handle the associated processes. PTA is responsible for conceptual preparatory work for the implementation of the technical requirements and the associated implementation of extensions to two existing intranet applications as well as the creation of a new service.


The application for central control of IT authorizations (project ID 5846) will be expanded to include functionalities for user identification for help desk personnel and for the management of central information by security administrators. Furthermore, additional functionalities will be provided via the existing intranet self-service portal (project ID 5775) to allow IT users to store individual security credentials. In addition, extensions to central data storage based on SQL Server and a time-controlled service for mail notification of IT users are required. Cryptographic procedures are used at neuralgic points for data storage and information generation.

Subject description

The project work helps the company to increase the security standard for user identification – especially for people in the home office. The most important goal is to prevent identity theft. In this context, various multi-factor authentication procedures are implemented. However, the additional technical complexity should remain hidden from the persons involved in the user identification process through efficient user guidance in the corresponding intranet applications.

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Dr. Andreas Schneider, grauhaariger Mann mit Brille

Dr. Andreas Schneider

Sector Manager Energy

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