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Microservices-based application for application submission and processing through to billing

Brief description

A microservices-based web application is being developed for the creation of applications for the billing of care services, their processing as well as the creation of invoices. The frontend uses Angular, the backend .net Core as well as MS Entity Framework, hosted in Docker containers.


Current programming environment is Visual Studio 2019, .net Standard 2.1 with EntityFramework Core 5.0. MS SQL Server 2019 is used as database, RabbitMQ is used for message queueing. Database and message queueing are hosted using Docker containers. Currently, the PTA is active in the backend in the area of microservices, in testing activities as well as in the Angular area.

Subject description

Nursing facilities can use the software to submit applications for reimbursement of costs to the health insurance company; these are checked by clerks and, if necessary, rejected or approved. Bills are created for approved applications. Currently, the software is being expanded to include the submission/processing of claims for midwives and physiotherapists, and additional modules are planned.


Project start01.03.2021

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Portrait Herr Knudsen, Mann im Anzug

Ole Knudsen

Key Account Manager

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